Monday, July 7, 2008

PT Update

Well, another day, more changes.

I was expecting just another routine PT session, except going longer on the treadmill. Wrong.

I DID go longer on the treadmill (30 minutes). I also went a bit faster (1MPH) and, as it turns out, during the last 3 sessions the treadmill has been at a 2 degree incline. But that wasn't enough. They also threw a couple of new things at me.

First, you may recall I mentioned some new balancing exercises where I stand with my feet in certain positions and let go of my walker for 30 seconds. Well, I still do that, but now I stand on pillows. Once that looks good, I'll be standing on a trampoline!

Also as I've mentioned before, we've been talking about starting on working with a quad cane. That's those canes with four feet at the bottom. We may still do that, but Scott has his eye on pretty much skipping that and getting me to a straight cane!

For those of you not watching my Physical Therapy Progress Log, I am up to using 10 pound ankle weights (that's 10 pounds on each leg) when I do my platform leg exercises. Apparently this is not enough. Starting Wednesday, I will be using a new machine. It's the one Annie has me trying out in the picture above. Once I get used to it, we'll be jacking up the weight and reps some more, so watch for that new column being added to the PT Log.

Well, I guess that's it for today. If it's not, it should be!

1 comment:

Audra said...

It simple SQ, YOU ROCK! I got behind on reading your blog (changed jobs and have been neglecting to look it up again). I've been blinking back tears reading the last two months' entries. Dude, I can't WAIT until you're hiking to caches again -- and hike you will (maybe not thousands of miles, but you will hike)! Obviously, you still need to work on one milestone at a time, but I have full hope that this will happen for you!

You keep it up and Candy/Moosiegirl might just ask you to be her 5K walk buddy! :)