Sunday, April 5, 2009's all folks!

Yes, I've decided to wrap up this blog. Why? Well, the progress now is slow and generally steady and all things are, relatively speaking, getting back to some version of “normal.” So to wrap this up I want to do two things.

First, I was reflecting last night on some of the things I could not do a year ago that I can do now. So a few that come to mind and in no particular order....
  • Stand.
  • Walk.
  • Sleep in any position other than flat on my back.
  • Sit up for more than just a short while.
  • Go anywhere without help.
  • Be left unattended for extended periods of time.
  • Get myself something to eat or drink.
  • Dress myself.
  • Take a shower without help.
  • Go to the bathroom without help.
  • Get in a vehicle without help.
  • Go to work.
  • Drive.
  • Wear any kind of footwear.
  • Have even the smallest pain-free moment without the aid of drugs.
  • Sleep through the night without the aid of drugs.
  • Have my feet down the majority of the day.
  • Sleep without my feet stacked on a pile of pillows.
  • Go outside without help.
  • Care for the pets.
  • Help with anything around the house.

And finally, I have a lot of people to thank. I am only going to use initials, but you'll know who you are. As I said, there are a lot of people, so please excuse my thanking some as a group and if I miss anyone.
  • JW – I don't know how I could have gotten through this without you.
  • BG & CW – Your help to both me and JW, the hours you spent with me helping take care of me and just keeping me going. Friends like you are rare and I am very fortunate to know you.
  • M & DP – Right when things were getting tough, you two showed up, pitched in with work that needed done, listened when we needed someone to talk to, and quickly became dear friends.
  • My extended family – Thank you for all you have done for us to help us get through all this.
  • Geocachers – What a great bunch of people geocachers are! I've heard from cachers from, quite literally, all around the globe! And of all those, the Central Texas bunch are the best! Thanks to you all for your support, helping with the house, putting out caches for me, and so much more.
  • NLBC – Your continued concern, support, and prayers have meant the world to us and helped get us through some very tough times.
  • AAS – The folks there have bent over backwards to accommodate my limitations and have been very patient with me. When other employers would have sent me packing on some kind of disability, they stuck with me through thick and thick. My immediate co-workers and friends have been incredibly supportive and helpful and I am lucky to work with such a great bunch of people.
  • Last, but most certainly not least, all of the doctors, nurses, therapists, assistant, technicians, and so on that cobbled me back together and got me back on my feet. I've been very fortunate to have such great professionals on my case and keeping me going when I thought I could not do any more.

No, I'm not completely healed yet. I still have mobility problems, some pain and discomfort, and maybe even a few more surgical procedures in my future. But I think I'm over the hump now and I am very grateful to everyone involved for helping me get here.

Thanks again and God bless you all.