Saturday, July 5, 2008

Little Gains, But Good Ones

There haven't been a lot of big gains lately and no more are really expected for a while. However, there have been a few small ones that are really pretty cool.

As mentioned in a previous post, I can now get in the van. But now I don't need to use the walker to get into it. I can just step, turn, and sit. All I need is to hold onto the van during the transition for a little help with balance.

I am about to make the move away from the hospital bed! The past couple of nights I've been sleeping on a regular bed and that's been going pretty well. So some time this weekend we will probably rearrange things a bit, completing the move to "the big boy bed."

Next, as some of you saw, I had to use a 'sliding board' to heft myself from place to place. Well, I don't use it for anything any longer. I can just stand and step to what I need to move to. Like getting into the van, I still need to hold onto something for a little help with balance, but that's it.

Probably the biggest improvement is that I don't use my wheelchair in the house. At all. Ever. I now use my walker exclusively at home. Pretty soon we'll start trying to use it elsewhere as well, working towards getting out of the wheelchair altogether. Pretty soon, they're going to start working on teaching me how to use a cane of some sort instead of the walker.

I still have a long way to go. I'd like to take a regular shower. I want to drive my X. It'd be nice to be able to find caches myself. I'd REALLY like to walk without assistance or supervision. I could probably go on listing stuff all day, but there's really little point in that. It will all come in time. For now, I'll take all the small victories I can get!

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