Wednesday, July 9, 2008

OK, So What Have You Done Lately?

Funny you should ask.

As of today, Scott decided I am doing well enough that it was time for a little bit of change.

I still use the wheelchair primarily when we are out and about, but he wants me to start using the walker more (under close supervision, of course).

But you know that thing about using the walker solo at home and we'll start learning to use a quad cane? Well, that's out the window.

I am now cleared to use a regular straight cane at home, without direct supervision, as much as I can tolerate! We completely skipped the quad cane! Woo-hoo!

Other than that, things went pretty much as expected except this was a late afternoon session. This meant my feet were already sore, stiff, and swollen by the time of our appointment. That made the session nothing but a sheer test of determination, will power, and endurance. Check out the Therapy and Treadmill logs and decide for yourself how I did.

The new leg machine is an adventure. Getting in it wasn't too bad although it is reminiscent of the Mercury astronauts getting into their space capsules. The exercises were a VERY good workout, even at only 10 lbs. My knees are still tired 5 hours later. Getting out of the darn thing was a nightmare. I thought I'd be stuck there and I'd be found later with my arm partly chewed off in a hopeless attempt at escape! OK. Maybe it wasn't quite THAT bad, but it was something I'm gonna have to work on. The exercise don't mean nuttin' if you can't stick the dismount! Ask any gymnast!

So that's about it for today. Praise The Lord and pass the ice packs!

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