Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Updates Just Keep Comin'!

Well, more progress from PT yesterday!

I'm already getting more ROM (Range of Motion) back in my right ankle so I got the go-ahead to trim my brace some more. Yes, I still have some aches, a few pains, some swelling, and endurance and functional issues, but we're making progress!

We also figured out that my brace may have been causing some of my high heel pain. So yesterday afternoon we went and saw Gus and had him cut a chunk out of the back of the brace. That not only relieved that pressure point, but it opened up my ankle for even more movement! It turns out the brace was keeping my Achilles tendon from being able to flex as it should and cutting that small piece out let it move like it needed to!

Scott also added a coupe more exercises back into my routine and I do them WITHOUT the brace! Pretty soon he's going to have me start weaning out of the brace at home also. Just an hour or two per day at first, but we'll build on that.

Finally, I'm very seldom using my cane at home. I use it out in "the world" to help with balancing on uneven terrain and endurance and so on. Well, pretty soon Scott is going to start working on getting me to be able to drop the need for it as well.

Looks like all your good thinks and prayers are comin' through for me! Thanks, everyone! I'll keep workin' hard and I'll try not to let you down! Besides, I want to get back to driving and bushwhackin' some time in the not-too-distant future!

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