Thursday, December 11, 2008

Another Quickie

We made some progress at PT today. It seems my right ankle is loosening up a bit. Accordingly, I got the OK to trim back my brace a bit. We also added a couple of exercises in and upped the leg weights a bit (we had restarted at only 5 lbs.). We are going to start slowly weaning me out of the brace at PT and doing more exercises as conditions allow.

With any luck we're getting back on track...again.


Anon said...

Glad to hear that things are going well! Can't wait to see you back out on the caching trail soon.


Audra said...

Did I miss the before/after xray? Specificaly before = hardware in and after = hardware out.

Glad to hear pt seems to be progressing! I've got my kindergarten and 1st grade girls praying for "Mr.Howard" and for healing and restoration!

Keep the updates coming, I've got a feeling there's still a lot more good news in your future!