Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Latest Poop

Well, it's been a couple of weeks of some pain meds and LOTS of horse-pill sized antibiotics.

The short version is that I had a visit with Dr. D today and it appears my infection is all cleared up and my post-op swelling is back down to even better than expected at this point. I am back to walking pretty well (all things considered); only using my cane for occasional support.

So I'm back to seeing what I can do and getting into trouble.

When I get back to work next week I'll get back to my walking and stair-climbing regimen. As I get my act back together, I'll be trying to get myself back on Wii using our new Fit Plus we got for Christmas. We've already been using the Sports Resort we were given and I think it has already helped some too.

With any luck and nothing terribly stupid happening by my own hand, perhaps this is the last of the major hurdles we'll have to deal with for a while.

God's blessings to all in the New Year.

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