Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Quickie...

There hasn't been a lot going on, but a couple of weeks ago J and I teamed up with 3 friends and went to the Texas Challenge geocaching event that was held in and around Fredericksburg, TX. Even moving slow because of me we managed to score 20 caches. Not a great power run or anything, but not too shabby, either! The amazing part of this is that J thought I would be one hurtin' puppy the next day but it worked out just the opposite. My feet felt better than they had in months. They've been tightening up and acting as usual since, but that was a nice relief.

On the work front, I brought my work PC back into my office today and I'm going to start trying to come into work more often than not. However, I'm still gonna work abbreviated hours to avoid the worst of the traffic until I get a little more drive time under my belt.

PT continues and we are adding more stuff to it fairly regularly. My equipment time is up to 15 minutes per exercise. My leg weights are increasing again, I've started using the balance board, I've started walking backwards on the treadmill, and the "interruption walking' has been reintroduced. I shudder to think what they will come up with next!

Everyone be well and be careful out there!