Monday, March 9, 2009

Driving through the milestones.

I finally did it.

I drove myself to work today! I even stopped for an errand along the way.

OK, so it wasn't at peak rush hour, but there were still enough crazies along MOPAC to give me some experience points.

I figure I'll come and go at off-peak times a couple of times a week, then step up the number of days and start venturing into normal hours. But all in good time.

Other than that, I am venturing out without a cane a little more often or I take along one of my Irish blackthorn canes just in case I need a little balance control. I also keep a hiking stick in the vehicles to help with uneven terrain in parks or while caching. They are better for those situations than a cane and offer better gripping and shock absorption.

The range of motion of my right ankle is still pretty limited, but it is coming along and doesn't hurt as much or even all the time now, so I guess that's something. Although I still have to baby that darned Achilles tendon. It gets to aching a bit from time to time so I just stop and let it rest a bit and it usually feels better pretty quickly.

The soles and toes still take a beating or feel really weird, especially by the end of the day, but I'm kinda getting used to that. Maybe someday it will go away.

So that's about it for now.

1 comment:

Audra said...

So nice to read you are a free man again! I have an excuse for you to get out -- there's a new restaurant in the Manor area, the Good Luck Grill. On St. Patrick's Day, Tuesday March 17th the owner is offering a free entree to anyone who wears a kilt! ;)

AND Joey and Deb have put out a whole bunch of caches in that direction... I haven't been to them yet so I can't personally attest to the terrain.

If you want to know where the restaraunt is look for the cache named "swimming cats good enough to eat" (you'll understand the name when you get there)

On last note on the restaurant, TreyB is hosting his Spring event there, but the owner isn't giving anything for a kilt that day.