Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wel, it's been a while.

Now that all the BIG milestones, or most of them, have been passed there's not as much to report. Progress is slow, but I have a few things for you all.

First, as some of you know, I'm wearing real shoes again. They're not real comfortable yet because I gotta get used to them, and I don't wear them all the time, but it's good to be back in them.

I started running into problems with my crocs and the equipment at PT, so I figured it was time to start looking for shoes again. We found some that fit, but they didn't feel right. Then J remembered her cousin's hubby works with orthotics and such so we gave him a call for recommendations. We took his advice and I'm now sporting some New Balance 1062's. They have a lot of features to provide heel cushion, support, and motion control. I'm having to get used to wearing shoes again, they threw my balance off at first, and my feet hurt from being bound up and being supported properly. But on the other hand, my feet are being supported properly, they work much better for PT and my exercises, and the shoes help control the swelling.

I haven't used my wheelchair or walker much at all during the past week or maybe a bit more. I get pretty tired and sore, but it's all coming along. I just have to be careful not to overdo and take a break now and then. My biggest troubles are stepping up and down on curbs and steps and going up and down ramps. But that will all get better as my range of motion and knee strength gets better.

This past week we started this fun little thing that my therapist suggested. It's called a contrast bath and it's a real hoot. Get a tub of very hot water and a tub of ice water. Stick your feet in the hot water for three minutes, then in the ice water for a minute. Do that three times. Holy carp! Talk about a unique form of torture! But when it's done the feet feel better and it has helped dramatically with the swelling. About the only significant swelling is now just around the ankles. That can still get to softball size by the end of the day and it is usually much better by morning.

In other PT news, there isn't much to report. We've added a few exercises and added weight and/or reps to others. It's becoming quite a test of willpower and motivation. The therapist assures me that I am improving, there is still room for more improvement, and I will make more progress over time. From my point of view, I sure don't see much happening and certainly not much on the positive side. New exercises cause new pains and it's hard not to believe I've come as far as I'm going to. But I'll keep working, hoping, and praying and we'll see where this road goes.

My pain management docs have had me dropping my meds and I'm on my last week of suboxone. I am also reducing my lyrica. That should help the swelling and should also help with my memory and concentration. On the other hand, my damaged and severed nerves are sparking like crazy as they mend themselves. The worst part is the top of my forefeet, my toes, and the balls of my feet. They feel swollen and it feels like they're burning and being poked with needles almost constantly. I sure hope this doesn't go on much longer!

Also this past week or so we went through my clothes to see what fit and what didn't. I ended up with only a few shirts and a couple of jackets. A few stores around here were having some good sales so we went out and got me resupplied. So now I have big boy clothes to wear when we go out of the house and when I go back to work.

Speaking of work, we haven't talked to the docs yet, but we're starting to work out how I can start going back to work a few hours a couple of days a week to start. Of course, J will have to drive me down and wait for me. I really hate that, but it can't be avoided unless my boss says not to bother with it until I can drive myself. But, as I said, we're looking at just starting off light and then building up as my physical condition and PT schedule allows. We don't have a starting date for that yet, but it won't be until early September at the earliest and we still have to talk to my docs about it and get their OKs.

Well, I think that about does it. I've pretty much gotten into a slow-moving routine and the progress is slow, but Scott assures me progress is being made so I'll keep plugging along!

1 comment:

Audra said...

It was good to see you walking a little at the last event, so it will be a thrill to see you walking more at the next -- and in sneakers!

You have certainly proven your determination, mister. Keep it up!
You're very inspiring!
