This is gonna be a short one, folks.
First, we had a visit with the surgeon today. After taking some x-rays he came in and took a look. The verdict? Everything looks great! He's VERY happy with the progress both in the healing and in the rehab. In his words, "My part's done. Now it's up to you and the physical therapy people."
Finally, we got every x-ray the surgeon's office has taken and I've added them to the slideshow!
For those that don't know, you can hover your mouse over the slideshow to control it, or you can click on it to go to the album they are in and see all the pics in a larger size.
That's it. G'nite!
I've seen these X-rays before (some of them at least) and each time, my heart nearly stops! The pictures, as great as they are, do not even come close to depicting the agony and suffering and "misery" (inside joke) you endured! But to see your progress on the treadmill over the past few days makes me realize how far you have come since then!
I remember waiting for the great day when you would be sitting up drinking coffee with me, or playing cards - anything but lying there with your feet all tied up! That day arrived finally. Then I remember waiting for the day you would get the casts off. That day came and went. I remember waiting for you to grab a cache again. You have more than tripled my count for the year already! I remember waiting for the day you would stand up. That day is gone with the wind. I remember waiting for the day I would get to see you walk again. Of course you didn't let me down there either.
I remember praying for the day that you would come to church. God answered my prayer. I remember praying that you would meet Jesus. I remember that great day like it was yesterday!
You have come so far and I hope you realize it! Keep up the hope and the hard work. You are my hero :)
DUDDDE! I got something that looks like that but it's at the bottom of my junk drawer!
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