Not much for you today.
Since everything was feeling a bit better, I walked 2 laps again today before doing my usual platform exercises. At the exercises I was bumped up to 6 lbs. of weights which I handled well.
After the platform, I got a bit of a surprise. We went over the the "Total Gym" for the first time!
This machine (see the pic above left and the new pics in the slideshow) works as a kind of anti-gravity device. You law on a sliding board. The board can be angled. The lower the angle, the less weight is put on your feet. At the angle used today, I was pressing about 40% of m body weight. I did this for about 5 minutes and it felt GREAT! As I get stronger, the angle will be raised and the time will be extended.
After the Total Gym I went for another 10 minute ride on the stationary bike.
When that was done I was given some more exercises to add onto the home routine.
Overall, I felt much better and everything went much smoother. I stood up very well, my walking was pretty good, and my balance, range of motion, flexibility, and strength were all improved. As we used to say in The Corps....OOHRAH!
That's it for today! (And that was enough! Sheesh!)
Ya big stud you! Way to knock out another milestone today.
I've always known it and you've always proved it...there is NOTHING a Marine can't do!
So proud of you I think I peed a little!
Just reading the "OOHRAH!" was enough to give me goosebumps. Awesome to see you in there getting pumped up. Just keep say no 'clear' and you won't look like Arnold after this is all done. :)
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