Friday, September 26, 2008

The Latest

This is gonna be pretty short cuz I feel like warmed over death. But to get everyone up to speed...

About a week ago it was decided I have developed tendonitis or something similar in my right achilles tendon. The verdict on that? Imobilize that sucker for 4 to 6 weeks! OK, that sets us back a month or 3 on that foot. However, Gus (my orthotics guy) is working on a brace that will allow motion of that foot to a point so I can use it and exercise it as much as it can be. As it needs to move more, he can adjust the brace to allow the increased motion. The downside is that's gonna take another two weeks to get made. In the meantime I'm wearing one of those Klingon mukluks I have and that, in turn, is killing my back every time I stand up, much less walk. Not much we can do there.

Yesterday we went on a crusade to get some answers from doctors.

On the 13th I took the last of mu suboxone. Almost immediately I started having some nasty experiences, beginning with not being able to go to sleep until 4, 5, or (as last night) 6 am. There are other things happening but we'll just say it isn't fun.

So we started the day with my neurologist who swears my anti-migraine meds are not playing a factor in all this and he talked to us about a bunch of stuff. Cool.

Next up, my GP. He looked at blood work and other tests and it looks like, from a pure numbers standpoint, I'm healthy as can be. No signs of diabetes, or anything else. The only thing is that this season it seems I'm a bit more reactive to allergies.

Finally, we hit the pain management folks. These are the ones that have been prescribing the suboxone for general pain, lyrica for nerve pain, and ambien to help me sleep. Well, we dropped the suboxone, the lyrica seem sto be doing little good, and with all the new symptoms, the ambien doesn't work.

We thought my problem was suboxone withdrawals. They say suboxone was suppressing the lyrica side effects so now we are weaning me off lyrica. To help me sleep, they are switching me to lunesta. Haven't tried it yet.

So the docs are still using me as their own little chemistry set and we'll see where this boat takes us. But right now, I am exhausted, in some form of pain most of the time, and extremely frustrated. I beg your patience as I work my way through all this.

Love to all and thanks for your support.

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