They took the bandages off first and, as expected, they were caked with blood. A little saline soak and they came off no problem. Then they whisked me off to get a couple of x-rays which I did not see. While waaiting for Doc D to pop in, J grabbed a lovely shot...
*** ICK MODE ON ***

As you can see there are quite a few staples gong down along the back of my foot and on around the bottom edge. There are also some on the point of my heel. He used the same incision lines that he used when he did the original reconstructive surgery. It was also mentioned that during the procedure he found a hematoma (sp?) and removed it. I don't know what that means, but it sounds like a good thing!
*** ICK MODE OFF ***
Then Doc D popped in, took a good look, decided to wait another week to take out the staples, and proclaimed everything as healing up well. Then he said I can start putting weight on it as much as I can tolerate and can let it get wet in the shower. Then we put a stockinette over it, slapped my boot on it (again...ugh), and
out the door we went.
So next Thursday we go to get the staples out and get the orders for yet more PT. Oh boy.
It's nice to get those bandages off, but this dang boot STILL sucks and no padding on the staples or swelling is just a BIT on the uncomfy side. Oh well. It should be better pretty quickly this time.
See ya!
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