Yes, the next milestone falls. In fact, a couple of them!
See that pic to the left? I'm not just standing there. I'm walking!!! In fact, I was walking pretty darn well all things considered!!!
We finally got the walker yesterday and they told us to bring it with us to PT as soon as we got it. And boy, they meant it! The very first thing we did today was put it to use! Scott checked it out, deemed it a good walker, set it front of me, and told me we were gonna take a few steps and that we did!
After that, we did the usual exercises, then Scott had me walk about halfway across the room to the stationary bike!
Next I was given the go-ahead to sleep without those darn boots! So now the only time those boots are on are when I am standing or walking!
And to top it all off, my brother and his wife, who had just gotten in from the Seattle area and I only get to see every 2 or 3 years, had met us there at the rehab facility so they were there to see me take my very first steps since January 6th and share in the moment!
Wow! What a day! Praise the Lord!
It is so exciting to knock these milestones down and all with minimal pain to boot. Sure, there is some discomfort and a few muscle aches, but I can't say that the PT has really caused me any undue pain. I simply cannot understand why the Lord is smiling on me to such a degree, but I'm sure not going to question His judgment!
Now on to rebuild my sense of balance, leg strength, and coordination. Then after that, I dump the boots and start walking at home.
I think I can FINALLY see the light at the end of this long, dark tunnel!
Yeah Pal,
I know why God is smiling down on you these days... He has big plans for you and I don't think they include sitting on your butt all day being waited on by "J" :)
Rock on my other brother from another mother but the same Father!
Looks like you've had a pretty awesome week! Congrats and smiles to you and "J".
I believe you'll get to the end of that tunnel sooner than you expect...and I'll keep praying for that for sure!! With God, ANYTHING is possible.
Melonie :)
Hi Howard ~
I just had the chance to read through some of what has been going on the last couple of months. First off, please know that even if I don't email or call as often as I would like, you are always on my mind and in my heart and prayers! Now, I have to tell you I cried when I was reading through a certain part of your blog. I am so happy you have excepted Christ as your Lord and Savior. I remember you and I talked about God at FCS one day and you told me you were an antheist. It broke my heart and I felt like I failed you because I didn't try to share the Lord with you. It really scared me because I had never know anyone who didn't believe in God. So I have to say, I am just thrilled that you have opened your heart to God and that we will spend eternity together!
You will never know how happy this makes me!!
As for your progress, it sounds like you are doing extremely well! I know you are ready to get back some sort of normalcy into your life. Hang in there and keep up your positive attitude and your faith in God.
Well, I hope to get out to see you sometime soon and I apologize I haven't been by.
I also want you to know that I have always valued our friendship and I am so thankful we are still friends. You hold a very special place in my heart and I love you very much!
Please tell Julie I hope I can be half the wife to my husband as she had been to you.....being there through the good and bad is what marriage is all about and she has sure proved her love and respect for you! What a wonderful and special lady!! You are a lucky guy!
Take care and I hope to see you soon!
Love you,
We missed your gc event and I was so sad, but we just didn't have enough time in the day to squeeze everything in. YOU'RE WALKING!! I think that is so very cool! I had to blink back tears to see these pictures! Man, you are overcoming the odds!
I'm glad you are acknowledging God's presence in your recovery -- HE is good ALL the time! And He can take you to the heights you never knew you had in you! I pray for continued success in your recovery and just can't wait to see you out on the trails.
Amazing, so amazing!
May God Bless you more than you will ever know,
Audra/semik (and Matthew/mda_taz by proxy :)
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